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The Best Shapewear that Keeps Us Comfortable

The Best Shapewear

As a working mom, I have to wear comfortable clothes, including underwear. This is so that activities are not interrupted and I can easily move actively. Currently, I haven't found any suitable underwear. Until finally I found a product from SHAPELLX. One of the high quality underwear sales sites.

A Wide Selection of SHAPELLX Products that are Comfortable to Use

1. Butt Lifting Shapewear

But Lifting Shapwear

It is a body shaping underwear that helps us stay active for days. Even at night the body will be protected and it is not easy to catch a cold. Perfect for those of us who work outside the home. Because Butt Lifting Shapewear is designed very uniquely, and in such a way for the comfort of a woman. Can be used all day from meetings in the office, meeting clients, even for the activities of busy mom bloggers to attend various events are very suitable to wear this body shaper.

2. Best Shapewear for Tummy

Best shapewear for tummy

This product is our favourite product as women. There are many options from full body shapers, shaping shorts, and waist shapers according to women's wishes. Best Shapewear for Tummy is made from a blend of nylon and spandex.

It is very well designed so that it provides comprehension and breathability that makes us comfortable. It is suitable for those who currently have many bulges in the abdomen or other parts of the body. In addition to exercising, eating healthy, it is also necessary to use the best shapewear for tummy underwear.

3. Shaper Shorts

Shaper short

For women who can't stay still because they have to go here and there for various jobs. It is very necessary to use shorts that are comfortable and non-irritating. From SHAPELLX comes the Shaper Shorts product that can be used by all women.

These shorts are very magical because they can help shrink the stomach, shrink the thighs, and can also lift the buttocks as desired. So that when we wear our favourite dress or jeans, we will look stunning and amazing.


Well, we as women naturally expect the best, including the underwear we wear, so that we are comfortable everyday and remain confident to meet anyone. We can have three choices of SHAPELLX products according to our own taste. Let's checkout immediately. Thank you.
Eri Udiyawati
Eri Udiyawati Hallo, saya Eri Udiyawati. Seorang Perempuan yang suka menulis dan traveling. Blogger asal Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah. Suka menulis berbagai topik atau bahkan mereview produk. Email : | Instagram: @eryudya | Twitter: @EryUdya

19 comments for "The Best Shapewear that Keeps Us Comfortable"

  1. dengan pakaian dalam yang nyaman untuk beraktifitas jadi ngebuat lebih gampang dan leluasa bergerak. Jadi ngga menghalangi gerak dan aktifitas jadi lancar tanpa halangan. semuanya terkendali dengan baik

  2. I haven't use shapewear yet. But maybe it is good for someone who has been giving birth and want to get a good body shape?

  3. Keren banget sih underwear nya. Bisa buat nyenengin diri sendiri, meski nggak harus dipake di area publik. hehehe

  4. Wah produknya terlihat premium dan nyaman dipakai ya. Jadi, ini recommended banget ya bagi yang lagi nyari produk shapewear. Terima kasih atas artikelnya yang super keren ini

  5. Wah produknya terlihat premium dan nyaman dipakai ya. Jadi, ini recommended banget ya bagi yang lagi nyari produk shapewear. Terima kasih atas artikelnya yang super keren ini

  6. Ada ukuran apa aja yah? Soalnya badanku gede pinggulnya...hehe...
    Jadi lebih pede nih kalau pake shapewear kayak gitu...

  7. Dilihat dr bentuknya, Shapellx ini emg modis bgt ya kak. Jd cocok utk dipadukan dgn pakaian apapun. Ga perlu diet mahal2. Ckp pakai shapewear ini udh kelihatan modis di sana sini.

    Hrs ksh tau istri utk cobain ini ah. Biar bentukannya mkn enak dipandang. Hehe.

  8. Kepengen nyoba Butt Lifting Shapewear kayanya cocok buat daily yah. Desainnya juga unik dan bikin nyaman apalagi kalau acara luar bisa anget juga hehehe. Tapi banyak juga alternatif pilihan SHAPELLX lainnya ya. Sesuain aja lah ama kebutuhan.

  9. gak paham aku masalah model pakaian perempuan

  10. Shapewear for tummy ini bagus banget buat ibu setelah melahirkan yang ingin perutnya singset kembali

  11. 3 pilihan yang menarik ini, bisa membantu membentuk badan jadi lebih menarik dan juga sepertinya nyaman dikenakan saat beraktivitas ya kak

  12. There are so many types of shapewear those people can choose in order to make herself looks more beautiful.

  13. Semakin banyak model dan pilihannga ya shapewear ini. Membuat para wanita semakin percaya diri

  14. Cakep cakep model shapewear nya
    Berasa sexy klo pakai shapewear gini ya

  15. Shaper short helps shrink the stomach, shrink the thighs, and can also lift the buttocks as desired. Wow, and I think if I wear my favourite dress, I will look beautiful hehe

  16. Shapellx is the most comfortable for all women's body shapes

  17. wah shaper short kya nya oke nih.. perut mamak2 kan cenderung lemak xD hihi.. pengen cobain deh

  18. Wow, as a busy mom, finding comfortable underwear is really important. SHAPELLX products seem great for adding comfort to everyday life. Especially the Butt Lifting Shapewear, it can help boost confidence during meetings or events.

  19. I agree that women always want something that makes them comfortable but also enhances their body shape. With SHAPELLX that is the best solution.
